Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Uniqlo @ Fahrenheit 88

I was reading Kenny Sia's blog yesterday and he posted bout the UNIQLO @Fahrenheit 88 that is opening on the 4th November.
Still under construction. UNIQLO @ Fahrenheit 88.

He joined this contest thing and won himself RM20  UNIQLO store voucher. There's also RM50, RM100, exclusive invite to pre-opening party, and 1st prize would be  an-all-expense-paid trip to Tokyo, Japan as well as four nights hotel accomodation in Tokyo, Japan! So I was like it's Japan I so wanna goooo! Since it's like FREE you know! No harm trying it out. So then I went into UNIQLO's web and tried out the contest. And guess what?! I WON THE TRIP TO JAPAN!
Jeng Jeng Jeng
Hahaa, no lah. I'm not that lucky. On the bright side at least I've won 3 RM20 UNIQLO vouchers in a day. And YOU can try it out too. It's super easy!

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