Wednesday, April 30, 2008

During assembly today, got caught by a prefect bcuz she say my socks r short. then i ask her "this is short?! she replied, yes it is short.'' OMG la, open ur eyes bigger and widder. it is long enough la. Wah! so pissed man! erghhh! I will remember HER! Ah whatever! went to prefect's counter to buy the stupid socks. It cost me $3!!! The cost price is only $1. they earn $2!!! grrr.. Bought the unpredictable long fluggly ugly long long long socks. like those kind of lalas ppl dressing socks! have a bit of fever but still hav to tahan the FIRE tht is going up to my brain! if pn. adeline saw my socks she sure will let me go 1. cuz after assembly ppl tht kena caught for socks pn. adeline let them go. AND THEIR SOCKS R SHORTER THAN MINE! SO UNFAIR. wish pn. adeline was there when i kena caught.

Went for KH, do d electronic thing. which i'm not in it. finish it went n try it with the battery. Suck la. No sound. No light. FAILURE!!! anyways the marks will aso b the same.

went for recess, keep complaining bout the sock case to my friend. my FIRE cooled down while im talking with them. FRIENDS come in handy when u're not in a good mood! <3 color="#6666cc">They made my day happy again.

went back to class. sat down then suddenly Wai Jen n Chun Yang started fighting. think they r actually playing but then started to fight. Hee they're always fighting. but they're smiling. i think it's a FAKE smile. wai jen push chunyang down n he felt backwards. then chunyang chase waijen and hit him in the stomach n like kick his leg n wai jen felt fromwards. i think his fall is more pain. many ppl from other class crowd around my clas n n shin jing say pay $3 if u wanna watch.
Awhile later, "en. gan(headmaster) is coming". everybody went back to their sits n act like nothing happen . lol. n i think he didnt know wat happen just taught tht we r very noisy. haha.
Tht's about all bout today.

P/s: Prefects are BUYERS!!!(not all of them)

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