Thursday, March 13, 2008

small reunion with some CKS friends

Woke up very early this morning. gotta follow my mum to her off. so freakin tired. not enough sleep.
reach there cant even go into her off cuz her boss is in.. haihs.. then what to do.. go to the canteen and sit. drowsing to sleep.. wait and wait at last can go to her off and sit. waited there till around 1.
Left the building and went to Prince Hotel to meet up with An lynn. then walk to Pavillion. met up Shannen. then Adrian mum called shannen n ask whether we found adrian alr then we were like nooo.. went to couch to find him.. waited for him appear. then he did. havent took our lunch so went to starbucks to get a drink. all of us ordered except 4 adrian haih he 1 to save money. lol. i i called the erm i cant remember. wont order it the next time i go anymore.. ergh..too bitter. Dunno whether did howie actually turn up. don hav his phone no. so cant contact himwalk a while then met up with Xue Wen outside topshop.. walk around.. then shannen and adrian decide to watch movie but we want to shop so ya.. the two went only lo.. continue shopping.. xue wen n an lynn were kinda crazy.. around 5 they finish movie. adrian gotta go back so ya. met up with shannen again. went to kfc n hav a little food cuz xue wen r craving 4 food! Me too. haha.half way eating xue wen gotta chao so bye! walk again. next shannen. then me n an lynn went back to prince hotel waited for my mum and headed head.Unfortunately we didnt take any pic together.. haih, nvm, will wait to the next time!:D

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