Sunday, March 9, 2008

First the ppl who were goin to melanie's bday came to my hse.. then.. hehe.. same old same old.. took pic[kirsten, puvini, michelle, jullya] .. waited 4 the rest.. so take pic lo

then kah heng, chai n wai jen came n say that they will go back to wai jen's hse 1st.. so yeah i said ok.. then the rest came. walk to the traffic light there waited for those slow pigs that went to wai jen's hse.. standing in somewhere in the midddle of the road.. ppl must b wondering tht we r some gangsters or something like tht.

okieee. then we decide not to wait.. and we walk.. and they came.. haihs.. we should have walk earlier then don have to wait for those slow pigs!

hehe.. kirsten took this while they r walking
while we r reaching mel's hse.. we called her mum to get her out of her hse. b4 we reach her hse we were laughing like mad cow! hehe.. oops.. hope she didnt hear tht.. and wallaaa.. SURPRISEEEE!!! she was shock! i hope at least.. hehe. "CiCaKKK'' camera's flashing.. Happy b'dayyyyy!

then we ate BBQ! woooo.. Awesome... still feel like eating!!! Tasty man!

shi shuen look so funayy!

ppl eating!
After eating went in to mel's hse. talkkkk, watch tv.. the boys change to some cantonis channel tht was showing ermmm.. something hong kong something..everybody were like WOOOoooo! wooOOO! she was like wearing.. swimming suit with's like so erwishhh!

this is it!
then eddie go coveringg the tv.. hehe.. then change to some kiddy channell.. funiee. then change again to MTV.. heard some song.. and their move were like so freakinggggg GOOOODDD! wow..

then decide to have a group pic ...

then continue talking and talking pics

she's grumbling cuz her camera have no batery

cant stop laughing after i c this pic

cut cake.. im lazy the state down the stories. will show pic only

then we play this spoon game.. the person that lose wil either choose true or dare. wai jen always kena.. haihs..TOO BAD! hah! i kena once.. so i said true.. n they assk whether i watch porn b4..(wat do u think? post it in the comment).. hehe.. Had so much fun playing spoons!

Time to go home!took some last kinda consider as group pic

annoying guys

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